Finding Wisdom in Silence


In our fast-paced world, we're constantly bombarded with messages urging us to do more, faster:

  • Get food delivered in minutes

  • Acquire more things for less money

  • Get more things done in less time

As spiritual seekers, we're not immune to this urge. Even in our quest for spiritual growth, we often fall into the trap of a compulsive need to:

  • Read more books

  • Accumulate more teachings

  • Look for more practices and techniques

But is more really the solution to our problems? Will consuming more information lift the veils covering the heart?

This week's Sufi Comic explores the wisdom found in silence:

Art by Charbak Dipta

The Quran refers to the heart as a faculty of understanding:

Have they not travelled throughout the land so their hearts may reason, and their ears may listen? Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts in the chests that grow blind. (Quran 22:46)

Knowledge is not gained by just consuming or memorizing information. True knowledge and understanding is gained by the heart, not by the mind.

When I reflect back on my own life, I've noticed at times, a single sentence—spoken by the right person at the right time—has given me insights that changed the trajectory of my life.

These experiences remind me that wisdom doesn't always require lengthy discourses. Sometimes it's found in a moment of quiet clarity.

This leads to the question: Instead of optimizing our lives for quantity and speed, should we be optimizing our minds and hearts to truly receive knowledge?

But how do we do that? One way is by pausing, slowing down and spending time reflecting in silence.

By taking a deliberate pause, we allow ourselves to:

  • Reflect on our experiences

  • Connect seemingly unrelated ideas

  • Find clarity amidst the noise

Imagine what could happen if we slow down and reflect in silence:

  • How might moments of silence help you align your actions with your higher purpose?

  • How might your relationships improve if you paused before responding in a heated moment?

  • What creative solutions could you discover if you allowed your mind to wander in stillness?

Remember, in a world that's always rushing, cultivating moments of stillness can be your gateway to wisdom and spiritual growth.

Reply to this email or leave a comment here if you have any reflections on the above! 🙂 

Warm regards,
Mohammed Ali

📢 Announcement & Updates:

Isn't it ironic that the more we have, the more we fear losing? Yet, the truth is, none of it truly belongs to us.

You can watch our latest Reel called “The Joy of Letting Go” here!