From Busy Work 😰 to Soul Work 😊


Do you know who the most fulfilled people in the world are?

It’s not the ones who are the most powerful, the most famous or even the ones that have the biggest bank accounts.

In my view, some of the most fulfilled people are those who have discovered their unique gifts and found a way to share them with the world.


  • An artist, lost in the flow of creation, bringing beauty into existence

  • A teacher, eyes sparkling as they ignite curiosity in young minds

  • A journalist, crafting stories that shed light on hidden truths

  • A parent, nurturing and guiding a child with selfless love

What’s common among them is the joy that comes from expressing their innate talents and passions.

They're not just working; they're sharing a part of themselves with the world.

Unfortunately many of us have lost touch with this sense of purpose in our daily work.

Before we explore more, let’s take a look at this Sufi Comic:

Art by Charbak Dipta

Our Lord is He Who gave to each thing its form and nature, then guided it aright. (Quran 20:50)

Most people don't spend their days sharing their gifts.

Instead, they're caught in the cycle of "work" because they have to. They need to earn money to keep food on the table, pay the bills, and repay their loans. In this rush, there's often no time left for meaningful work.

And we can’t fault people for this. We live in a system that has monetized nearly every aspect of our lives. Education, childcare, food, water, shelter - things that were once considered basic rights or were at least affordable, now come with a price tag.

This money-driven system has transformed necessities into commodities, making them scarce and expensive. As a result, we're all caught in a race chasing the next paycheck.

When choosing between meaningful work and higher pay, financial pressures often force us to prioritize income over fulfillment.

It's a sobering reality. But awareness is the first step towards change.

If you don't find joy in the work that you're doing, I urge you to prioritise doing work that you enjoy. The kind of work that you feel you were meant to do.

Now, I’m not suggesting that you completely overhaul your career or leave your current job. That may not be practical or possible. Bills need to be paid, and responsibilities don't disappear overnight.

However I would still suggest carving out time, even if it's just an hour a week, to engage in work that truly matters to you.

It could be creating art, exploring a new topic, or taking part in community work. If you're not sure what work is meaningful to you, here's a question you can ask yourself:

"If you had all the time and money in the world, what would you do?"

Reflect on this question, and the answers will come.

Doing purposeful work will bring back the joy, meaning and curiosity you had when you were a child.

It will keep your heart ❤️ alive.

And who knows? As you nurture these new skills and interests, doors may open that you never imagined.

You might just find yourself among the fortunate few who've discovered a way to make a living while sharing their unique gifts with the world.

Reply to this email or leave a comment here if you would like to share the answer to the question above!

Warm regards,
Mohammed Ali

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What if our waking life is just another dream?

Mullā Ṣadrā, the 17th-century Islamic philosopher, challenges us to explore the nature of reality. He says, dreams may feel vivid but lack solidity, while the Afterlife's forms are intensely real, reflecting our true actions.

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